The ‘I’ll Do It Tomorrow’ Epidemic:
Why your brand is STILL in draft mode.
You know that idea you’ve had for ages? The one sitting in your notes app, the one you keep tweaking in Canva, the one you swear you’ll launch next month? Yeah, that one. Let me guess… you’re still ‘perfecting’ it.
Look, I get it. Creative people are notorious for overthinking. We convince ourselves we need more time, a better strategy, a new colour palette. But let’s be honest, most of the time, it’s not about the branding at all. It’s about fear. Fear of being seen, fear of it not working, fear of putting yourself out there and hearing crickets. We’ve all been there!
The thing is: your brand can’t grow if you never start. That ‘perfect’ website? Useless if nobody ever lands on it. The 47 Instagram drafts? Not helping anyone if they stay in your phone. The magic is in the execution, not the overthinking.
your future self looking at you, every time you add to drafts
and don’t hit publish.
So, this is your official permission slip to just launch the damn thing. Messy action > perfect hesitation. Nothing will ever be PERFECT and even if we know that something might be missing or not done to 100%, does that mean people engaging with the you or your brand know? No.
It’s easy to get caught up in the mindset of perfection, but the difference between you and the people actually making money online? They hit publish.
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”